Intelligent Document Processing

Capture and extract information from various types and formats of documents to gain business insights
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What is Intelligent Document Processing?

Intelligent document processing involves the extraction of information from paper-based and electronic documents and the utilization of this information to enable the end-to-end automation of document-centric processes. It is also referred to as “intelligent capture”. It captures and extracts information from different types and formats, such as structured, semi-structured, and unstructured documents for further processing.

Intelligent document processing leverages several tools, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing, and advanced OCR engines that reduce human involvement and make your business processes more efficient.

How has Intelligent Document Processing Evolved?

With the evolution of technology, the scope of document processing has also increased. Initially, it was limited to scanning physical documents and manually capturing information from them. Then it evolved into extracting information from scanned documents with the help of technologies, such as OCR and ICR.

But with the increasing number of organizations embracing digital transformation, enterprises are now looking at leveraging insights stored in content coming from multiple channels, including email, social, and other applications.

Processing this vast amount of structured and unstructured content became a daunting task and enterprises began investing a lot of resources to handle the burgeoning content.  Enterprises were, therefore, on the lookout for solutions that not only automate the whole process of capturing, extracting, and processing content but also require minimal human involvement.

What to Look for in an Ideal Intelligent Document Processing Solution?

  • Conversion of paper-based processes and documents into digitized, actionable data
  • Multi-channel data and content capture
  • Automatic detection and correction of image distortions for real-time quality improvements in single or multi-page scanned documents
  • Security of captured content through authentication and role-based access
  • Automated classification, separation, and extraction tools to eliminate labor-intensive, manual processes and enable the delivery of reliable data to business processes
  • Support for AI- and ML-based content extraction and a wide array of extraction technologies, including OCR, barcode, MICR, and more
  • Trainable, machine learning technology for continuous improvement of classification accuracy
  • Integrated robotic process automation for automating repetitive and mundane document-centric processes
  • Built-in capabilities to manage document-centric workflows

How Does Newgen Solve for Your Intelligent Document Processing Needs?

Multi-channel Capture

Capture data and content from multiple sources, including scanners, e-mails, hot folders, mobile devices, and multi-function printers, and translate it into actionable business information. Furthermore, enhance organizational efficiency by streamlining the three core areas of enterprise-level information capture—scan, transform, and deliver

Intelligent Extraction

Extract critical data from paper and digital documents to streamline your content-driven processes, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce errors. Aggregate documents from disparate sources, make them legible, extract data with precision, while continuously improving extraction accuracy. Enable identity document data extraction and redaction using AI and ML

Content Classification

Auto-classify documents based on characteristics—structural, textual, or both—to streamline your content management operations. Leverage AI- and ML-based technologies to enable layout- and content-based classification. Enable access to contextual information to ensure smarter decision-making, improved productivity, and better customer experience


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automate simple to complex, repeatable business processes by integrating your human and robotic activities. Reduce the burden of mundane tasks on knowledge workers, while simultaneously optimizing overall business performance. Leverage AI and ML to deliver intelligent responses to your customers while retaining a human connection

Content Workflow

Leverage low code capabilities of the platform to rapidly design, develop, and deliver content-centric applications. Streamline businesses processes by digitizing simple departmental functions to complex enterprise-wide operations. Utilize visual development tools to build rich, interactive applications for web and mobile

Success Stories

Improved policy record management - Intelligent Document Processing
Improved policy record management
A leading insurance company with 250+ million customers enhanced...
Efficient administration and better decision making - Intelligent Document Processing
Efficient administration and better decision making
One of the fastest growing states in India streamlined key operations...
Faster and smooth access to documents - Intelligent Document Processing
Faster and smooth access to documents
A Leading oil company improved process efficiency by ensuring better tracking...